A thread was started on the message board entitled "I Love You But..." There are some fantastic responses!
Here are mine:
I love you but... 4:30 am is NOT time to wake up.
I love you but... you have razor sharp claws, and I would appreciate it if you didn't use them to claw my face off.
I love you but... why do you nap 2 hours at day care, 3 hours at Nana's, and I'm lucky to get 1 full hour from you at home?
I love you but... if you'd just sleep at night, then we wouldn't have to do this whole cio thing.
I love you but... Daddy does too, so quit yelling if I leave you alone with him.
I love you but... the laptop power cable is not a chew toy. You have plenty of other toys you can chew on. And Daddy's $300 remote isn't one of them.
I love you but... I am not Mt. Everest. Please stop trying to climb me when we should be rocking and eating calmly before bed.
I love you but... your car seat is not a torture device. It's actually a very nice model with lots of cushions. There is no need to scream like I placed you on a spike when I strap you in. And I'm about 4 inches from you. You can see me if you turn your head. You don't need to writhe around like if you don't have both eyes on me, you'll die.
I love you but... you're growing up too fast. You have 6 teeth, can crawl, and are so close to talking it's scary. You're practically not a baby anymore. Cut it out with the big kid stuff already.
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