There has been a flurry of activity on the boards of women with babies less than 1 year old who are pregnant again. And happy about it. One woman actually just gave birth; her other child is not yet 1 year old.
I am curious, very, very curious, as to what makes one so ready to go again. Their babies must be incredible sleepers. Their babies must be able to entertain themselves. Their babies must have adhered to a schedule very early on, and must be very easy going about changes to their schedule now. Otherwise, how can you do it? Why would you want to do it?
I know that we want another child. But we're just now getting sleep consistently. We're just now fully enjoying O as a child; he interacts, he plays back, and we get to shower him with our love and attention and affection. I'm not sure it would be fair to him to get pregnant and need to devote so much of our attention elsewhere, when he is not yet old enough to understand why. Not to say these women will necessarily have that problem. I just don't think we're that capable of dividing ourselves in that manner. I need to find the secret to doing so. That, or the prescription these ladies are taking.
Congrats to all those expecting again, who are happy to be. You've got bigger kahunas than me. And tell your babies to call O and let him know how the game should be played, k?